Wednesday, December 17, 2014

December 17th, 2014 - Waiting for the Freeze

 Ice Report: 

There are 5" of Ice in the Mayfield and Northville Lakes

The Bays are Frozen, and they have been fishing in front of Sport Island Pub

The Main Lake is still Open, but it is right there, we just need a few cold nights

My prediction is by Next Wednesday there will be a coat of ice on the main lake.

There is snow around the shore line, but you have got to watch out for rocks!

Water Temperature:

is 36 Degrees

Lake Level:

is right on target for this time of year


The fish would be biting if you could get out there

Tip of the Week:

Ice Fishers: Remember the new change in the law - your license runs for a year from the time you bought it, so make sure to renew if you need to!

Snowmobilers: Remember to get your voucher's early, you need to bring a printed voucher with you to DMV. You cannot get it the same day.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Lake Report December 7th, 2014

Photo by Stephanie Lape Crowe


Yes we have ICE - all the bays have about a half inch of ice Including Mussels Harbor by Lakeside Tavern, Wally's and Sport Island Pub North to the Bridge.

All the satellite lakes are frozen.

Obviously it is not safe to walk on yet. BUT you can ride 4-wheelers on the shoreline - and possibly sled in sports where there is snow. Just watch out for rocks!


Is 38 Degrees in the main part of the Lake.


is on target for this time of year. The bays do still have a little bit of water.

Photo by Larry Vrooman


Is surprisingly good, the trout have been biting!!! And Walley have been alright.


with all this being said, as soon as we get a couple of cold nights we will be frozen over.
I am predicting the week before Christmas the entire lake will have a coat of ice.


Clear out the carbs on your sled!
If you are luck enough to have EFI, be sure to start it up and be sure it is ready!