Tuesday, March 15, 2011

NYSDOT Advises

Please be advised that while the contractor continues to break up ice on the Lake in the construction area, there will no longer be either barrels or snow fencing in place on the lake surface, as conditions have rendered it impossible to safely place this guidance on the remaining thin ice/slush near the bridge.

For more information, please contact NYSDOT Engineer-in-Charge John Porter at 518-863-4977 or JPORTER@dot.state.ny.us, stop by the project field office at 92 Northville Road in Edinburg, or visit the project Web site at https://www.nysdot.gov/batchellervillebridge.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

UPDATE FROM NYSDOT - Open Water Notice for Great Sacandaga Lake in the area of the Batchellerville Bridge

The New York State Department of Transportation advises that due to construction of the new Batchellerville Bridge open water will be present along the entire width of Sacandaga Lake. Existing ice will be broken so that equipment can be moved between shores. The open water conditions will exist for the duration of the winter season.

To maximize safety, orange construction barrels and reflective tape will be placed from shore to shore along the open water.

Lake users should comply with posted signage and respect all barricades, fencing and other tools defining active work

areas. Snowmobilers and all-terrain vehicle operators should reduce speeds and use caution near the bridge.

Please bear in mind that weather conditions may limit the visibility of the signage, barrels and other guidance in place

on equipment and on the ice. Avoid abrupt maneuvers near the bridge, as other vehicles may be approaching the area.

For more information, please contact NYSDOT Engineer-in-Charge John Porter at 518-863-4977 or JPORTER@dot.state.ny.us, stop by the project field office at 92 Northville Road in Edinburg, or visit the project Web site at https://www.nysdot.gov/batchellervillebridge.